Posted August 28, 2023 in General, Pet Blog by Jeffers Staff
Natural disasters can happen at any moment and do not discriminate in their paths. Not only should you prepare for your family in case of a hurricane, tornado, or another serious event, but also have a special plan for any animals you own. Disaster can strike – without warning – anytime, anywhere. Here are a few tips from Jeffers to make sure your animals remain safe and prepared in case of a natural disaster, from updating their identification to putting together a pet emergency kit.
Part of preparedness is knowing what to prepare for. What types of emergencies are likely to occur in your area? Do hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, blizzards, or wildfires affect your area? If you are unsure what disasters are common in your area, contact your local emergency management agency for more information. Also, consider other emergency situations, such as house fires or gas leaks.
The American Humane Association estimates that about 17% of all lost dogs and only 2% of all lost cats ever make it back to their owner. Nearly 10 million pets are euthanized each year because they cannot be reunited with their owner. The American Humane Association recommends using ID tags and microchips and always keeping the information up-to-date.
Jeffers Pet recommends that pets should have not one but two tags. Why is that? If a neighborhood was destroyed by a natural disaster and a pet was found, there would be no way to track where their home used to be until days or weeks later. With two identification tags, the process of finding the owner will be quicker and pets will be reunited with their family once again. Another method of identifying pets is microchipping.
If you do not register the chip, it will not help your pet be found.
You should never leave your pets behind in an emergency unless your own life is at risk. Remember that though these animals once survived in the wild, we have domesticated them for generations and have trained them to overcome or ignore these natural instincts. If you must evacuate, take your pet with you. However, many shelters do not accept pets, so planning is again, essential!
Start with a list of options in areas surrounding your home (up to 100-mile radius). Options include friends or families out of harm’s way, veterinary clinics, pet boarding facilities, pet-friendly hotels, and animal shelters. Whatever you decide, make sure you thoroughly understand any restrictions or rules. For example, many boarding facilities require a copy of veterinary records before accepting your pet. Additionally, you will need to have a portable kennel for each pet.
This kit should include, at the minimum, some bandages and flexible wrap, a blood-stopper, an antibiotic ointment, an antiseptic spray, a thermometer, sterile gloves, and scissors.
It is important to carry a couple days worth of food and clean water for your pet. Don’t forget to rotate stored food every month or two when your emergency kit is just sitting. If packing canned food, be sure it has a pop-top or you have a manual can opener with the kit.
Don’t wait until disaster strikes to think about what to do. You may literally only have a minute to worry about your own safety and that of your pet(s).
Information in this blog is meant to be helpful and/or educational. It should in no way supersede, challenge, or supplant the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a licensed veterinarian.