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Spurs, Whips & Crops for Horses


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Spurs, whips, and crops are essential tools in equestrian sports and horse training. They serve as communication aids between the rider and the horse, facilitating better control and direction.

Spurs are metal devices worn on the heels of riding boots. They’re used to refine the signals or commands given by the rider’s legs to the horse. It’s important to note that they should be used responsibly and not cause discomfort to the horse.

Whips are used primarily in dressage, show jumping, and eventing. They help in reinforcing leg aids, especially when teaching young horses. They come in various lengths and styles, each suited to a specific discipline.

Crops, also known as riding crops or hunting crops, are shorter than whips and often have a “popper” at the end. They’re typically used in horse racing, polo, and hunting.

What is the purpose of these tools?

Spurs, whips, and crops are used to give subtle commands and cues to the horse. They’re not intended to harm the horse but to reinforce the rider’s leg aids.

How should these tools be used?

These tools should be used responsibly and sparingly. Misuse can lead to discomfort or even injury to the horse.

Can beginners use these tools?

It’s recommended that beginners learn basic riding skills and establish good communication with their horse before using these tools.