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Pig Dewormers


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Swine wormers and dewormers are crucial for managing and preventing internal parasites in pigs. At Jeffers Pet, we offer a range of products to help address this concern. Our selection includes oral dewormers, injectable treatments, and feed additives.

Oral dewormers are convenient for large herds and can be administered through feed or water. Injectable treatments provide direct administration, while feed additives offer continuous protection.

It's important to follow proper deworming schedules and consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice. Alongside wormers and dewormers, we also provide swine vaccines, vitamins, and supplements.

Vaccinations play a vital role in disease prevention, while vitamins and supplements support overall health. Remember to prioritize the welfare of your pigs by maintaining cleanliness and implementing good management practices.

For personalized recommendations, consult with a veterinarian or animal health professional. Jeffers Pet is committed to helping you maintain the health and productivity of your swine herd.