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Goat Fly & Insect Control


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Pestered by pesky flies and annoying insects? Give your goats the peace they deserve with Jeffers' comprehensive selection of fly and insect control solutions. We understand the frustration of dealing with these unwelcome guests, and we're here to help you create a healthy, happy herd.

From effective pour-on insecticides like UltraBoss and CyLence Ultra to convenient fly sprays and traps, we have the right tools for the job. No more swatting and scratching – let Jeffers take the sting out of pest control.

Benefits you'll love:

Reduced stress and irritation for your goats: Say goodbye to constant fly bites and the discomfort they cause.
Improved health and well-being: A pest-free environment means healthier goats with stronger immune systems.
Peace of mind for you: Focus on what matters most – caring for your goats, not battling bugs.

Check out Jeffers premise pest control supplies for the barn and farm.